Many of our engagements require expertise in a specific area or field, and The Washington Advisory Group draws on an extensive network of professional colleagues to meet these needs. This network includes emeritus Directors who provide advice and counsel on projects that are suited to their background and expertise. Emeritus Directors include:
C. Thomas Caskey, M.D., Director and CEO of the Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine and Executive Vice President of the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Alexander Flax, Ph.D., former Director, National Reconnaissance Office, former President of the Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA), and former Chief Scientist of the U.S. Air Force
Robert A. Frosch, Ph.D., former Vice President of General Motors Corporation (GM) in charge of Research Laboratories
Daniel Tosteson, M.D., former Dean of the Harvard Medical School
Joe B. Wyatt, Chancellor Emeritus of Vanderbilt University
James B. Wyngaarden M.D., former Director of the National Institutes of Health and Professor Emeritus, Duke University
The Affiliates of The Washington Advisory Group work closely with Directors of Washington Advisory Group projects but are not exclusive to our organization. Affiliates can lead as well as support our consulting engagements. The Affiliates include:
Molly Corbett Broad
Raymond E. Bye, Jr.
Edward E. David, Jr.
Micki Leder
Gilbert S. Omenn
Charles T. Owens
In addition, over the past decade more than 350 experts from our consultant network have worked with The Washington Advisory Group on projects tailored to their specific interests and expertise. The following list indicates the breadth of experience and knowledge of the colleagues who participate in our consulting engagements:
Gerald J. Chader, Ph.D.
Chief Scientific
Doheny Eye Institute
Keck School of Medicine
of Southern California
J. Fredrick Cornhill, D. Phil.
Director, Institute
of Biomedical Engineering
University of Oxford
John E. Dowling, Ph.D.
Llura and Gordon Gund
Professor of Neurosciences
The Biological Laboratories
Dr. Nina V. Fedoroff
Science Advisor, U.S. Department of State
Former Willaman Professor Life
Sciences and Evan Pugh Professor
Huck Institutes of the Life
Pennsylvania State University
Charles H. Fine, Ph.D.
Chrysler Leaders for
Manufacturing Professor
Sloan School of Management
Institute of Technology
Stanley O. Ikenberry, Ph.D.
Regent Professor,
Education Organization and Leadership,
University of Illinois -
President Emeritus, University of Illinois -
President Emeritus, American Council on
Trevor O. Jones
Chairman & CEO
Linda P. B. Katehi, Ph.D.
University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Joshua LaBaer, M.D., Ph.D.
Director, Harvard
Institute of Proteomics
Marcia K. McNutt, Ph.D.
President and
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Jerry M. Melillo, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist and
The Ecosystems Center
Marine Biological Laboratory
(Woods Hole)
Ernest J. Moniz, Ph.D.
Cecil & Ida Green
Professor of Physics and Engineering Systems
Co-Director, Laboratory
for Energy and the Environment
Massachusetts Institute of
Earll M. Murman, Ph.D.
Ford Professor of
Deputy Department Head, Department of Aeronautics &
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Robert M. Nerem, Ph.D.
Director, Institute for
Bioengineering and Bioscience
Georgia Institute of
Peter Raven, Ph.D.
Engelmann Professor of Botany,
Washington University in St. Louis
Director, Missouri Botanical
Roy F. Schwitters, Ph.D.
S.W. Richardson Foundation
Regental Professor of Physics
Director, Center for Particle
University of Texas at Austin
Brian Sweeney
Chairman, Siemens Ireland,
Dr. Joseph S. Takahashi
Glass Professor, Department
of Neurobiology & Physiology
Northwestern University
Scott W. Tinker, Ph.D.
Director, Bureau of Economic
Geology & State Geologist of Texas
Professor, Edwin Allday Chair
of Subsurface Geology
John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of
The University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Robert S. Waterman
Professor, Molecular and
Computational Biology
University of Southern California
Marina v. N. Whitman, Ph.D.
Professor of Business
Administration and Public Policy
Gerald R. Ford School of Public
and the Stephen M. Ross School of Business
University of